Wednesday, February 18, 2009

And Oddly, News...

I know that many of us have let the game slide, and that's not something any one of us can battle singlehandedly. (Ooo. Jaime joke.) But the funny thing is that, even as we see AGOT receding in the rearview mirror, some most unexpected news seems to be coming out of FFG. Nothing earthsdhaking. It's just that there are new Chapter Packs coming out, and they seem finally to be hitting their stride. Not that I don't still miss the old stuff, and certainly the switch to chapter packs, for us over here on the far side of the Poison Water, really hit our ability to acquire the game easily.

But the new packs have me more than ever wanting to put in an order. I don't have the time right now (or the computer know-how) to post the card images, but I'm not even done abosrbing the latest releases (including a fantastic new version of Arya Stark in Cat O' The Canals) and they're starting to talk about the King's Landing cycle with, I swear, hottest Cersei ever.

I'll do it when I can, though , promise. The game has slipped off our radar, but I'm still looking to the skies.

By the way, I'm typing this in between practice DOTA sessions. =)

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