Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I want this

If anyone has this for trade... i wants

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The new deck challenge

A proposal.

How about we bring new decks the next time we can all play (which if i remember correctly would be 2 saturdays from now.)?

Or we just all bring some common/uncommon Targ deck?

So how about it guys?


Monday, May 26, 2008

A round of applause

Finally light at the end of the tunnel or in this case possibly new cards in the next few weeks.

Thanks Ser Gil for facilitating the chapter packs procurement.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Ordering Chapter Boxes and Packs

Greetings, sers.

We can move forward with purchasing chapter packs! Whoot! It will cost a little bit more as compared to the previous transaction that I tried to do but it has a better guarantee. As such, the cost per chapter box (containing 6 chapter packs) would be PHP2,500.00.

Given this, I would like to verify everyone's orders are still the same:

Rich and Meeks: 1x W5K chapter box

Rich and Meeks: 1x Ancient Enemies chapter box
Ron: 1x W5K chapter box
Ron: 1x Ancient Enemies chapter box
Gil and Aaron: 1x W5K chapter box
Gil and Aaron: 1x Ancient Enemies chapter box

If you guys can bring the money tomorrow (Saturday, May 23), that would be great. Or you can pass by the shop next week on Thursday to give the money to Edge. He will be making his order for Bleach within that week and if we want to hitch a ride with that, we need to order and make payment now.

Do note that the Sacred Bonds and Epic Battles chapter boxes are already out. If you would like to add those to the order, let me know.



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter Packs and Then Some...

Greetings, sers...

Yes, it was a supreme disappointment when I found out (after making payment, of course) that the online store I was purchasing cards from wouldn't accept my PayPal payment given that my billing address, as it is here in the Philippines, could not be verified. Now how annoying is that? They want a US billing address. Sadly, I don't have one and I don't think that anyone in our small but solid community has one either.

And to make things worse, my card was charged after I submitted my paypment through PayPal. Fortunately though the charges were reversed after a week of them (the online store) refunding the payment. Well, that was a hassle to say the very least. And we weren't able to get our cards!

Be that as it may ("nevertheless" in a geek's language), we have another option that we can use as mentioned by Edge last weekend. Since Edge orders Bleach from a friend in the US, we can hitch a ride so to speak and order AGOT stock. It'll be a little more costly though but nothing that would turn a man into the decay of Philippine society. Hehehe. I guess we (or I at the very least) can discuss this with Edge over this weekend. And I will post the verdict here. On the bright side if one would care to look in that direction, we can order all three new chapter packs instead of just the first two.^^

Well, enough of that for the meantime. I'd like to sidestep into another topic. What happened over the weekend, that is. Unfortunately, Ron called in sick. But we still managed to get a few games in with Matt, myself, Meeks and Rich. I know that Rich wanted to write a bit about Matt's Bara deck but I'll steal a little of his thunder.^^ I did promise that I would tweak the deck and tweak the deck I did. I just took out something like 12 cards from the initial 73-card deck given problems with the flop and the draw. And here I thought I was the only one making decks with card counts above 70! Suffice to say, the deck became more brutal. Faster and more brutal. And to a certain degree, I regret tweaking the deck as it has become more consistent (especially winning or at least getting to that point). All that aside though, I'm happy that I was able to help make a deck, particularly a Baratheon one, more efficient. I'm actually thinking of copying it and adding a few more tweaks.^^

And on that note, Meeks ended up playing that Bara deck in our multiplayer game. Suffice to say, he loves the house. Ah, who wouldn't love power rushing and ending the game quick with all that renown. You just need to make sure that you remember that Melisandre's ability can be triggered even if the character with renown claiming power isn't your own. Tsk, tsk. Such is the way of Martell players. :op

Anyways, I think I've done a little bit of my writing. It's early morning and I think I need to hit the sack. Or download porn. Or sleep. Either way, both ideas are good. Or I can do both! Duh. Hehehe.

Until then, let's keep the fires burning bright at The Wall even if Winter is Coming. Daybreak (what a crummy card though) will eventually come to those who can wait...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Wow! I wish we had chapter packs right now!

From the "Sacred Bonds" chapter pack:

* Jaqen H'ghar (S/L/B/G/T/M)

Cost 5

Stalwart. Infamy. Vigilant.
Intimidate. Ambush. Vengeful.
Jaqen H'ghar gets +1 STR for each power on him.



can a character have more keywords in him.


and while we are at it some Greyjoy lovin:

Herald of the Sea

Cost 2

Response: After you play Herald of the Sea from your hand, search your deck for a character, reveal it, and shuffle your deck. Then, put the revealed card on top of your deck.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Build it and they will come

Ah our recent plans to procure Chapter packs went down the drain.

Hopefully there will be alternatives.

No new cards is death to any card game (except poker, and even then you break open a new pack every so often).

Hopefully we get new cards soon.


In other thoughts, I think that the blog is still the best solution to the "lack of forum" problem. The community isn't big enough to support a full forum.

hopefully the adage "build it and they will come" will prove true in the long run.

Winter is coming.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quick Update

Finally we had an AGOT tournament again last night after a long long while of not having any.

My "spit and bailing wire" Martell deck went second in the six-man tourney.

It fought Mikko's Martel to a 10 all tie. It barely fought a Baratheon deck in the second game as Matt felt sick. And it lost resoundingly to Aaron's finely tuned Martel. Ending the night with a Draw-Win-Loss record. Not bad I guess.

More later. Pictures later.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Turning to the dark side!

With the chapter packs not in my grubby hands yet it was time to put together a new deck. Any deck.

And so tonight hopefully I get to test my new Martell deck.

Yep that most hated of Houses. And I don't know the first thing about building a Martell deck.

But after years of Greyjoy it was time to start something new.

Its pretty random and I had a hard time cutting down the size but something in there might work.

So we shall see tonight.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Chapter Packs!

Yes! Finally the long awaited text message has arrived!

Ser Gil has placed the order out for our chapter packs!

Finally in a few weeks we will have new cards to play with and a new environment too!

So what's life like after your TCg becomes "not a TCG" anymore?

We don't know yet but in a few short weeks we will find out. Along with the answer to the question "With everyone having the same cards which decks get built?

I can't wait!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

In the beginning...

There was an AGOT forum somewhere...but then it crashed.

We moved to skillze and that crashed too.

So to provide a voice for the small AGOT community in our country I have set up this team blog.

As they it and they will come.

Welcome all and enjoy our own little niche that is the AGOT card game.