Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quick Update

Finally we had an AGOT tournament again last night after a long long while of not having any.

My "spit and bailing wire" Martell deck went second in the six-man tourney.

It fought Mikko's Martel to a 10 all tie. It barely fought a Baratheon deck in the second game as Matt felt sick. And it lost resoundingly to Aaron's finely tuned Martel. Ending the night with a Draw-Win-Loss record. Not bad I guess.

More later. Pictures later.


Savage said...

Your Martell deck still plays like Greyjoy deck, ser! Still, it was a refreshing sight to see you play a different house. Kudos!

taleweaver said...

truely. the habits of 4 years of greyjoy is hard to remove from my playstyle. so many time I made the mistake of not blocking with a martell who would stand up later on.

ah well the pains of learning a new deck! it was fun though!
