Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter Packs and Then Some...

Greetings, sers...

Yes, it was a supreme disappointment when I found out (after making payment, of course) that the online store I was purchasing cards from wouldn't accept my PayPal payment given that my billing address, as it is here in the Philippines, could not be verified. Now how annoying is that? They want a US billing address. Sadly, I don't have one and I don't think that anyone in our small but solid community has one either.

And to make things worse, my card was charged after I submitted my paypment through PayPal. Fortunately though the charges were reversed after a week of them (the online store) refunding the payment. Well, that was a hassle to say the very least. And we weren't able to get our cards!

Be that as it may ("nevertheless" in a geek's language), we have another option that we can use as mentioned by Edge last weekend. Since Edge orders Bleach from a friend in the US, we can hitch a ride so to speak and order AGOT stock. It'll be a little more costly though but nothing that would turn a man into the decay of Philippine society. Hehehe. I guess we (or I at the very least) can discuss this with Edge over this weekend. And I will post the verdict here. On the bright side if one would care to look in that direction, we can order all three new chapter packs instead of just the first two.^^

Well, enough of that for the meantime. I'd like to sidestep into another topic. What happened over the weekend, that is. Unfortunately, Ron called in sick. But we still managed to get a few games in with Matt, myself, Meeks and Rich. I know that Rich wanted to write a bit about Matt's Bara deck but I'll steal a little of his thunder.^^ I did promise that I would tweak the deck and tweak the deck I did. I just took out something like 12 cards from the initial 73-card deck given problems with the flop and the draw. And here I thought I was the only one making decks with card counts above 70! Suffice to say, the deck became more brutal. Faster and more brutal. And to a certain degree, I regret tweaking the deck as it has become more consistent (especially winning or at least getting to that point). All that aside though, I'm happy that I was able to help make a deck, particularly a Baratheon one, more efficient. I'm actually thinking of copying it and adding a few more tweaks.^^

And on that note, Meeks ended up playing that Bara deck in our multiplayer game. Suffice to say, he loves the house. Ah, who wouldn't love power rushing and ending the game quick with all that renown. You just need to make sure that you remember that Melisandre's ability can be triggered even if the character with renown claiming power isn't your own. Tsk, tsk. Such is the way of Martell players. :op

Anyways, I think I've done a little bit of my writing. It's early morning and I think I need to hit the sack. Or download porn. Or sleep. Either way, both ideas are good. Or I can do both! Duh. Hehehe.

Until then, let's keep the fires burning bright at The Wall even if Winter is Coming. Daybreak (what a crummy card though) will eventually come to those who can wait...

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