Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Update on Chapter Packs

Greetings and salutations, sers...

I know that we are all anticipating the arrival of the Chapter Packs as well as additional booster packs for A House of Talons and Five Kings Edition. Based on my last conversation with Edge, the shipment was delayed. As such, we are looking at the cards arriving at the end of the month. I know, I know...We've waited for so long. And two weeks just seems all the longer. But it is arriving. So waiting a little longer is all that we can do.

On another note, the card list (and descriptions) for the new Chapter Pack called The Battle of the Ruby Ford has been posted over at Tzumainn's. You can visit it at the link below:


Suffice to say, I am a bit disappointed with this chapter. The cards are a little less than desireable other than Rhaegar Targaryen and, gasp, War Scorpion, an attachment for House Martell. And it's funny that they threw in some trait manipulation for Stark via Old Nan. Unfortunately, majority of the effects that can take advantage of such have already rotated out and the few remaining will be rotating out.

Be that as it may, we can then look forward to what FFG will do with their apparent new base set that should hopefully set things right...

Well, it is late so I will look at posting once more soon...

Sighing out...


karstark said...

Thanks for the update,ser. It's appreciated. Even bad news is better than no news. So all we can do is wait and hope. I imagine we're all feeling the same, no need for me to go on about it.

Savage said...

Yeah, it is a sad thing indeed. Well, at the very least we know the cards are there. Shipping is just taking a while given the delays.

On the bright side of things, spoilers for some of the cards in the Core Set are already on Tzumainn. So check them out when you have the chance.

karstark said...

Oh, believe me, I have been! It's what I do to keep involved in the game. So far there's been a lot going on. Jaqen got errata'ed before ever we got to play with him, as I feared might happen. The Prince's Loyalist is gone. The Nightfire Convert has been errata'ed too although it's still strong, just not as Winterfell Barracks-able.

Ice is back, and so is Shae.